Tennessee Stud & Equestrian Center

Greeneville, Tennessee


At Tennessee Stud, we provide full boarding services. Horses are fed grain twice daily with high-quality grain options, such as Pinnacle Versatility and Pinnacle Maturity Supplements can be added upon request and provided by clients. Excellent mixed grass hay is fed twice daily when stalled and provided free choice in the pasture during the winter while on turnout or when pasture is not available.

Horses are stalled during inclement weather during fall, winter, and spring, and during the day in the summer with daily turnout in the evenings. Stalls are cleaned twice daily. Grooming and clipping are available upon request and billed separately. The farrier is scheduled monthly and as needed.

The Tennessee Stud overlooks ourrolling pastureland and woodlands. Horses and ponies receive daily turnout in a natural setting with safe polymer wire (electrified) fencing with pasture mates of like sex and temperament.

Our facilities include:

  • 12x12 stalls with pine bedding
  • All-weather indoor arena
  • Round pen
  • Hot and cold wash stall
  • Tack rooms
  • Heated bathroom with shower and washer/dryer
  • Ceiling fans throughout the barn

Horses are constantly monitored as the owners live on the farm and are available 24 hours per day.

Picture of our Farm Located in Greeneville, Tennessee